
Archive for the ‘Inspiration’ Category


what-if (Photo credit: cambiodefractal)

Great leaders that have gone before us have told us that one of the secrets to their success is to start acting like you are a success before you are one.

Picture yourself, carry yourself, and talk to yourself as f you have already achieved the level of success you desire.

Think about how you would act, what your lifestyle would be like, what you would do with your time, the clothes that you would wear, and the car you would drive.

Think about these things often. Taste them, feel them, smell them and hear them. Experience them with your whole BEing again and again.

You become what you think about. AND you become what you move toward. Start moving in the direction of who you want to BE by acting as if you are already there.

Post who you are BEcoming for the collective energy to surround you and make the BEcoming even more amazing!

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Think big

Think big (Photo credit: m-c)

The most important thing you can do to change your life is to change your thoughts. 

I know, it’s easier said than done I know.  We all have a pattern of how we process our thoughts.  For some of us this pattern serves us better than others. But the good news is that you can change it.

How do your thoughts serve you?  Can you notice them and choose what to do with them in the moment?   Or do you let your thoughts control you?  Just because a thought comes in doesn’t mean it is true, and doesn’t mean you have to think it, believe it or accept it.

Try to be more conscious of your thoughts,just like when your stomach growls for food.  And when your thoughts come, determine how they are serving you and what to do with them.  Then do it.

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the law of attraction

the law of attraction (Photo credit: Brenda Cooper)

Ever since the movie The Secret came out, there has been a huge buzz around the Law of Attraction and manifesting what we want through our thoughts.  This was a great tool to increase awareness within our culture of this very powerful concept.


Visioning what you want and believing it to be true is one of the greatest of all tools at our disposal.  We get what we think about, good or bad.

But don’t forget that all important component in the law of attraction – the second part of the word – ACTION.

You don’t need to figure out every detail of the “how”, you just need to take action and move toward your vision in faith. The rest will work itself out.


What actions can you start taking today to manifest what you want in your life?

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ten ; believe

ten ; believe (Photo credit: RCabanilla)

In order to receive blessings in your life you must believe 2 things.

First, you must believe that whatever you want is possible.

And second, you must believe that you deserve it.

It’s one thing to believe that it is possible to have a healthy and prosperous life, and completely another to believe that you deserve it.

You were meant to be prosperous – in health, love, joy and finance.

Do you believe that?  Or are sabotaging thoughts permitting you from receiving your blessings?

If you want to receive these blessings, then you must eliminate the sabotaging thoughts and replace it with a simple mantra that says “I deserve to receive blessings in my life.”

I have been there…that place where I did not believe. It has taken some time and effort to change that belief. That knowing that I deserve to live my dreams.

It felt as though it snuck up on me from ~I don’t know where. I had it ~ then I didn’t. Life situations did some nastiness to my belief systems then down the negative path of disbelief I went.

The good news is you can change this if it has happened with you. Start here and now to kick those old beliefs to the curb and start believing you deserve better.

Keep reading for more stuff on building a vision of your life’s dream.

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Man washing dishes

Man washing dishes (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Remember the times when the teacher did roll call in class and the answer after your name was called was “present”? You were fairly present at the moment you heard your name. I don’t know about you, I was somewhere else for most of high school.

Today BEing present actually shows up by participating in the moment you are in, completely. Multi-tasking be damned, just doing one thing at a time and not wandering off in body or mind to another task, problem or issue. This is not always easy, but possible.

Are you willing to practice? Start with doing a mundane chore like the dishes or sweeping the floor. While you are doing it concentrate on the actual washing/sweeping. “Get the corners.” “Flip the dish and scrub that spot”. How long before you were thinking about dealing with the kids or heading out to do other chores or maybe even adding another task while you are doing this one, like calling a friend or checking your email?

Caught you! I knew it, lots of you are like me! HA! When I want to let go of the turmoil in my head or the dreaded to-do list, I start by thinking I just want to BE. My to-BE at the moment is just to wash the dishes and when other things filter in, I note it then clear my mind to the task at hand.

It is really incredibly relaxing to do only one thing at a time. Meditative even.When did we get so busy? Why do we think that if we are only done ONE thing we must be lazy or inefficient?

Life is short and we ALL need to slow down a bit and just BE. This IS the good life and “Life is too short to be anything but happy!”

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A sweet chestnut forest in the swiss alps(Ticino)

A sweet chestnut forest in the swiss alps(Ticino) (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

There have been days as of late that I find myself standing in the middle of a room spinning. Not the kind you do as a kid with your arms wide looking up to the sky with puffy clouds and the sun peaking through. The kind where you can’t decide what to do next. I do know that this is temporary. My environment is not optimal at the moment with moving boxes everywhere and none of my “STUFF” anywhere nearby or handy.

Then there are moments where I do not feel connected to much of anything. This is a fairly rare event. Usually if I am tired or overwhelmed this is a possible outcome to just being DONE! An escape I think.

Now when I am grounded there are decisions to be made and they happen easily. Things to be done and are. Calls to be made and loads of to-dos which are systematically checked of the list and on I go with no real thought to it. When I am grounded all is really quite right in my world.

The floating, spinning me needs help at times and that is where the important stuff shows up. All I need do is realize that I am not grounded and I feel out of sorts in any way and I can ground myself. I have read books on the subject and I can tell you there are many. The simplest one I have found is Karla McLaren’s “your AURA and your CHAKRAS – The Owner’s Manual”.

If you are not sure about all this stuff or it seems BUNK to you take a moment to reflect a time when someone else was “in your space” or seemed to be “plugged  in” to you and drained all your energy. Or how you feel walking in nature or playing frisbee on the lawn or in a park. Part of that is about being grounded as well as doing something you are enjoying.

Having a bad moment go stick your hands in the garden and pull some weeds. Go for a stroll where the terra firm is below you not below the cement.  Stand on the ground and imagine your feet are like trunks of a tree and send a strong root system into the ground. There are some real lessons on how to ground yourself in this book and there are even grounding mats available out there to buy that are supposed to have a similar affect.

The point in all of this is to know when you are not grounded and find a way to get there. Look, even if this stuff still seems like “BUNK” to you. Take the time to check your presence in the moment and if you are not there, but somewhere else- take the time to breathe and notice where you are and what are you doing and connect yourself to that moment. Staying in the present is a great way to ditch the past and not get hung up in a future that has not happened yet.

At this moment I am writing a thought to those of you who have taken the time to read this thought. That is all, no more. Enjoy being grounded!

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Duct-tape Moving Van

Duct-tape Moving Van (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

The weekend is near and more boxes to be packed. There is much inconvenience to putting things out of reach. I have already gone in search of things packed away so I am resistant to do much more too early so this does not become a new ritual.

Convenience is something we all want in everything we do. We want everything at our fingertips. The ideal kitchen would have a million cupboards with nothing two deep. You would not have to move one thing to access another.

Our sock and underwear drawers would be one deep and our closets would all be huge. This may or may not be realistic for us, but can we create a simple enough system for ourselves that will be good enough? Why not, I ask myself.

With moving to a new home, there is a great opportunity to reorganize and as I have already decluttered through the packing process, there is less to organize. I will buy bins and put labels on them and have a friend come and help with the kitchen and yet another with the office. They each have special talents that I will be grateful for.

Maybe this little story has revved up the organizer in you to sort out a cupboard, or pretend you are moving a purge some “useful to someone else” stiff.

Life can be complicated, but my space doesn’t have to be so I am going with the “Keep is Simple, Sweetie” motto and pack a few more boxes this weekend and label them well in case I need dig for some “important item” I cannot wait until June to see again.

Have a simply wonderful day!

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Moving Day (book)

Moving Day (book) (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

I was just looking at the boxes piling up as we get closer to our move date. I wonder how many others I know are doing the same. There is lots to do but I have been pacing myself. Layers of our stuff have been removed one week at a time and now there are only 4 left before the big day.

Moving can mean many things. Moving house and home, moving our body, moving forward in our jobs and life as well. This being the case we are all moving a great deal of the time, aren’t we?

There may even be areas we want to move but are a bit stuck. Maybe you have been in the same job that you don’t like for far too long. Fear of the unknown can be a reason for some of this for sure. Will it be a good decision to make the move on? Will I regret the move? Will I be comfortable both during as well as after the move? Hmmm… many questions.

How about moving our bodies? I can move it out of the bed right over to the fridge then couch or I can move it to the closet for runners and a leash for my dog. I can sit around the house or move out the door and do some gardening. Moving doesn’t have to look like a gym membership, it could be a walk and a chat with a good friend or loved one around the block. How about a game of frisbee or catch? Dancing is a great way to move with some fun music and friends. Even by yourself with the curtains drawn if you are a bit self-conscious.

We all have a choice to move in one form or another. We just need to decide “if”, “what kind,” “how” and “when”. I challenge you all to just move in some way- TODAY! Let me know what you did that got you moving. Have a terrific move!

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What are you postponing right now?

Worrying about “it” is not an effective way of dealing with “it”. All you have done is keep the negative energy around it alive. Facing it and clearing it from your life instantly adds energy to you. Makes you lighter somehow. Even if the “it” was painful or difficult, you are now able to let it go and move on to something else. Life was meant to live, not to be postponed to a later date. What are you postponing right now?

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Life is Good!

Life will give you exactly what you need. Well it has for me – consistently.

Right now life is giving me a wee break to renew and energize with my beloved.

This is PERFECT!

Life really is GOOD!

Let me know what makes your life good.

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